Optimization Tips for YouTube TrueView for Action Ads

With over 2 billion users and almost one-third of the content on the Internet, YouTube is a juggernaut for advertising opportunities, providing marketers with a wide array of potential sales leads across age groups, demographics, and locations. And Google is looking to expand on those opportunities with the addition of the YouTube TrueVide for Action Ads format.

To provide some background, this format was introduced to compete with the Leads Ads recently introduced by the Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads platforms. Leads Ads allow users to complete a simple contact form or subscriber function in the user’s newsfeed without having to navigate away from the site. It’s a win-win-win situation, where advertisers can generate quick conversions with a low barrier to entry, users can keep scrolling through their newsfeeds after completing a form, and the social media platforms get to keep users engaged with the content on their site. How could video ads possibly compete with that?

Well, those social media platforms don’t have a monopoly on ad formats, so Google rolled out a similar system that integrates into YouTube video ads formats. Oftentimes, the most difficult step in the sales funnel is the first. That’s why TrueView for Action Ads, with minimal disruption, allow users to quickly complete that valuable first touch without disturbing their video viewing or browsing experience. 

What are YouTube TrueView for Action Ads?

TrueView for Action is a new ad format available in the Google Ads platform that allows advertisers to place contact forms directly underneath a playing YouTube video. These forms allow users to complete a simple call to action without navigating away from the page or interrupting their video experience. 

TrueVideo for Action ads will play an advertiser’s video in the normal ad space for videos to play, with the addition of a simple headline and CTA button below the video. When a user clicks on that call-to-action button, the ad text expands to include a simplified contact form where they can submit their name, email address, phone number and more. 

The Difference is in the Conversions

Traditionally, video ads on YouTube have not been the best at converting users into customers. Rather than use them for primary sources of conversions, video ads are best used as part of a larger campaign strategy where brand reinforcement and top-of-mind are important. The top key performance indicators (KPIs) for video ads tend to be focused on the engagement with the ad such as views, watch time, quartile reporting, reach and frequency.

However with the addition of the CTA button, the YouTube TrueView for Action Ads allow advertisers to generate sales leads and subscribers directly from the video ad. Now, instead of engagement metrics, we can track conversion-focused metrics like leads, cost per conversion, conversion rates, and more.

Optimizing Your TrueVideo for Action Ads

Audience Targeting

As a campaign on the Search and Display Network, it’s very important to make sure that the audience targeting for your video ad is intentional, precise, and can target users in the appropriate stage of the sales funnel. Of course, what stage that is will depend on the product or service that your business is trying to sell.

At the very least, make sure that you have an ad group focusing on remarketing with an exclusion for any users that have completed the lead form in other TrueView for Action Ads. From there, it’s a matter of knowing whether certain audience targeting has worked for you in the past or not. Affinity audience, custom intent audience, and placement targeting can all be extremely powerful targeting options or be the biggest source of wasteful spending in your campaign.

One additional thing to note is that if you are relying on Google’s optimization algorithm (a CPA bidding strategy, for example), that the system typically needs at least 50 conversions per week in order to optimize effectively.

What KPIs Should You Focus On?

If you have never run a video ad on YouTube before, it might be useful to try running a campaign with a target cost per view (CPV) bidding. That will allow you to see the basic performance of the campaign without the optimization algorithms changing any settings. If the campaigns are generating a healthy number of conversions, then it’s time to consider switching over to the more powerful optimization options with Target CPA bidding.

But beware! YouTube video ads can display on the Search Network and the Display Network, so unless you are targeting placement on YouTube only, you’re likely to run into trouble if you use the same average CPA across campaigns. 

Get Your Conversion Tracking Up to Speed

As with all other PPC campaigns, it is important to make sure that your goal conversions are properly set up and that the data is being shared with the Google Ads platform. 

Most advertisers use the free Google Tag Manager platform, although there are very good alternatives in platforms like Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel or Segment. These tagging platforms allow websites to log events and conversions once and then share that conversion data with as many other platforms as you like. That way, your website doesn’t slow to a crawl over the 20 separate tracking pixels that you’ve installed, and there’s no need to define your KPIs separately for each platform.

If you are using or plan on using the Google optimization algorithms to automate your campaigns, proper tracking of conversions and conversion values are key. Once Google Tag Manager, or whatever other tagging platform that you are using, is sending the proper conversion data to the Google Ads platform, doublecheck your settings in the Conversions tab. Make sure that the platform has been able to track each important conversion in the last 7 days. 

If you plan on using a bidding strategy that seeks to optimize conversion value, make sure that each conversion has a defined dollar amount attached to it. Otherwise, it’s best to only track the most important goals as conversions and leave the rest alone. 

Final Considerations on TrueVideo for Action Ads

There are a few more notes and caveats to consider before launching into a new YouTube video ads campaign using the TrueVideo for Action format. 

  • Advertisers must be whitelisted before they can start running these types of ads. Google isn’t going to let anyone with a Google Ads account jump in and start creating lead form ads on their video platform. You’ll need to pass eligibility in advance.
  • Advertisers need to integrate their CRM with Google Ads to access the lead forms. Once a user submits a lead form, Google will store it for 30 days in its system. But it’s up to the advertiser to make sure that the Google Ads system is connected with their CRM using the webhook solution API.
  • Advertisers are limited in their messaging with these types of ads. You can typically include your business’ name, logo, URL and headline. The video is going to have to do the heavy lifting for brand awareness and reinforcement, because the lead form content is fairly sparse, and can only collect a limited amount of user information, (name, email, phone number, and zip code.)

Feeling Inspired?

Do you want to know more about our video ads services at 565 Media? Feel free to contact us or call (323) 902-7439. Our experts will come up with optimized ad campaigns tailored for your business. 

If you’re looking to effectively and efficiently boost ROI with your marketing budget, 565 Media is your top choice. Simply connect with our on-demand team of full stack developers and start with a list of what problems you need solved. Our team specializes in developing customized, scaled marketing campaigns geared towards generating profitable leads and growing your business.

6 Excellently Inventive Snapchat Ads Examples

Snapchat Ads hit the scene back in 2014 and the company has been steadily rolling out new features every year since. 

If you’re looking for inspiration for your own marketing strategies, we’ve compiled a list of excellent Snapchat Ads campaigns that made waves in the last few years. 

Most of these examples cover marketing options that are geared towards bigger brands and companies with broad public appeal. That’s not to say that Snapchat doesn’t have marketing options for smaller brands! Our team at 565 Media has a lot of experience with direct response tactics using the platform, which we’ll cover throughout the article as well.

So let’s dive in and take a look at successful Snapchat Ads campaigns from famous products and brands  in the past, plus some insights into whether the platform is right for your business goals.

What are Snapchat Ads?

Snapchat Ads can come in the form of three different ways to engage with Snapchat users. 

The first, called sponsored geofilters, allows users to overlay a sponsored image or animation on top of their snaps based on that user’s location. For example, event organizers can help promote an ongoing festival or convention with a sponsored geofilter animation, or restaurants can promote a limited time menu item with a sponsored series of images or the product.

The next, called sponsored lenses, allows users to add a filter that distorts their faces or their surroundings with images and animations. These typically tie into the brand, such as turning your face into a Taco to promote Taco Bell or giving your head a mutant makeover for an upcoming X-Men movie. It gives users a fun way to interact with your brand without going overboard with the messaging. 

The last, called Snap Ads, are vertical 10-second videos that appear while users are typically browsing their snapchat accounts. They can appear as original Shows, curated Our Stories, media companies’ Publisher Stories and between peoples’ publicly posted Stories. Whereas sponsored geofilters and lenses may be ideal for brand reinforcement, Snap Ads are much better at communicating the initial message or anything a little more complicated.

Free Snapchat Marketing Strategies

If you don’t have the marketing budget to throw behind advertising on Snapchat, there are still plenty of inventive ways to promote your business or brand for free. These are clever organic marketing strategies for Snapchat.

Some brands may consider a Brand Takeover, which is when the social media account for the brand or product is given over to someone new. This could be a well known celebrity, an industry leader, a new staff member, anyone! With the brand takeover, the attraction for other users is that the content will be new and it will come with an element of surprise. What will this person do with the platform?

Brand takeovers typically help with cross promotional strategies. It’s the social media version of a guest post on your blog, or guest hosting on a late night talk show. Other than helping to promote both the social media account and the person taking control, brand takeovers can help reinforce the messaging for both if they are selected well. For example, if a marketing agency wanted to display the personal side of the agency, having staff take turns controlling the company social media account would help promote the agency as a collection of interesting people rather than a faceless company. Or if a tourism board wanted to promote a local destination, having a well known travel blogger do a brand takeover of the Snapchat account while they visit the destination would provide valuable engagement with that blogger’s subscribers and community.

Hashtags are another popular element to incorporate into any #SnapchatMarketing strategy. There are typically two options for using hashtags. The first is to invent a new one. 

Most major brands will incorporate a unique hashtag, usually the same as their advertising’s tagline, into their social media posts. In one of the examples below, Dunkin Donuts promotes #NationalDonutDay, which as a hashtag did not exist before the social media campaign went live. So marketing managers can track the use of the hashtag after the launch of the campaign to get an idea of how popular it got over the course of the campaign. And a hashtag like #NationalDonutDay is fairly general – it is not associated with Dunkin Donuts directly – so other SnapChat users can jump in and use the hashtag for their posts as well. Carefully selected hashtags with their factors in mind have a better chance of going viral.

The other option is to hop on an existing popular hashtag. Much like barnacles on the bottom of a whale, smaller brands can get some free exposure by carefully selecting relevant hashtags and incorporating them into their social media posts. We’ll explore some other options in the examples below.

Story Ads

Instagram copied them with the Story Ads. 

Dynamic Ads

Involve a product catelo liek shopping ads. You can click to add to cart. Perfect for remarketing. Import your Merchant Center Feed from Google, reformat and start running.

Creative Snapchat Ads Examples

1. Stranger Things Augmented Reality Filters

The first example of the 3D World Lens being used in a marketing campaign, the Stranger Things Snapchat campaign broke into a whole new world of marketing possibilities. The app filter allowed users to scan their faces and give themselves a bloody nose and brooding background from the TV series. It also used the phone camera to transport users to the living room of Joyce Byers and the Upside Down. A very fun tie-in with the show, and an excellent example of the type of augmented reality filters that Snapchat is debuting for other brands.

[Embed: https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/gif?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F6%2F2017%2F10%2Fst-face-lens-gif.gif]

[Embed: https://youtu.be/Q-5PQLG3324]

2. Dunkin’ Donuts Sponsored Lenses for National Donut Day

Declaring June 2nd National Donut Day, Dunkin’ Donuts rolled out a promotion in 2017 that turned users’ heads into gigantic pink donuts. The filter itself wasn’t a huge innovation in technology, and probably the better for it. The crudeness added to the fun, and users responded well. According to Dunkin’ Donuts, the company gained ten times the number of Snapchat followers from the promotion than their average monthly followers and remains the highest viewed story by the company to this day.

[Embed: https://twitter.com/i/status/870595953929093120]

3. Budweiser’s Interactive Super Bowl Game

Twenty-four hours before Super Bowl LI debuted in 2017, Budweiser launched an interactive campaign on Snapchat that turned the app into a gaming experience. The Snap Ad was designed as a mini football game, where users could play as a team to win exclusive Snapchat filters. 

Selecting different plays to run, named humorous things like “Can Coverage” or “Brew Bootleg”. This type of advertising, as it will become obvious as you take a look at the screenshots, requires a very large budget. But even if you don’t have the funds to recreate Budweiser’s gaming experience, it’s a great example of the interactive features that Snapchat makes available to advertisers.

4. Gatorade Sponsored Lens 

Speaking of Super Bowl LI brand tie-ins, Gatorade unveiled its #GatoradeDunk sponsored lens during the big game in 2017 as well. The lens allowed users to simulate being doused in a cooler filled with Gatorade, a classic football game tradition (that also happens to reinforce the brand.)

The campaign was quick, simple, and resonated with fans in a big way. The filter got more than 100 million views over Super Bowl weekend, and 170 million total.

5. MTV Music Awards Live Story

Back during the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, Snapchat was still a fairly new platform and didn’t have much of a robust selection of advertising options. To promote the VMAs, MTV started a Live Story, which allowed anyone within the geographic area to post on Snapchat using the same hashtag. This resulted in a deluge of celebrities and fans posting videos from the audience and behind the scenes, resulting in a viral flood of coverage of the event.

It was estimated that about 10 million people watched the VMAs on live television, while the event drew about 12 million users on the Snapchat Live Story. (And likely at a much cheaper cost!)

[Embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2nafaDZTI8]

6. Major League Soccer Player Takeovers

Another innovative way to promote your brand or Snapchat account is the (now) classic Snapchat takeover. 

A “takeover” is when a celebrity or influencer takes control of a brand’s social media account and can post whatever they like. Relinquishing control to another person, especially a sports star adds a little unpredictability to the day. What will they post? Will they cause any trouble for the brand? The takeover itself becomes an event worth checking out. And for the Snapchat platform, the posts disappear after the day, adding a sense of FOMO for users to join in while it’s happening.

Major League Soccer dedicated an entire week in 2015 to an account takeover from its various stars, giving everyone a little bit of time to do whatever they wanted to help promote themselves and the league. 

If you have access to interesting people, an account takeover might be a great opportunity to promote your brand!

[Embed: https://youtu.be/Y66ELxjuM50]

Using Snapchat Ads for Your Business

Not all brands and businesses have the marketing budget to launch an augmented reality filter or an interactive game. Some smaller brands have had success with sponsored geofilters, sponsored lenses, or dedicated hashtags. And marketing gimmicks like account takeovers don’t cost a thing. 

Performance Tracking is Key

Whatever your Snapchat marketing strategy, it’s important to also make sure that you track performance carefully and precisely. How many times was your unique hashtag used? How many times was your website linked, which includes UTM tracking code, clicked? Of the referral traffic to your website, how many users interacted with key elements, and how far down the sales funnel did they travel? 

Many small and mid-sized businesses understand the importance of social media in improving brand awareness or generating sales leads. But without performance tracking in place before the launch of a Snapchat Ads campaign, it’s impossible to gain insights, understand users, or improve your campaigns in the future.

Optimizing Your Cost Per Acquisition

When you have your campaign strategy defined and your performance tracking in place, it’s time to optimize your campaign settings. For social media platforms like Snapchat, audience targeting is king.

In order to make sure that your targeting is as good as it can be, its a good idea to start with remarketing lists. Make sure that you have tracking pixels in place, your remarketing audiences are populating, and that your ads platform is receiving those remarketing lists. From there, you can refine the audience targeting based on what level of the sales funnel where those users were last, and market a message specific to them. 

For example, if you have a list of users that added something to their cart and then left the site, target them with a special discount to get them back on board. Or if users visited a specific product page but went no further, show them ads with that product front and center.

The options are wide open to marketers looking for opportunities. In the age of Big Data, digital marketing on ads platforms like Snapchat and other social media have the potential to bring in huge ROI.

Feeling Inspired?

Do you want to know more about our Snapchat Ads services at 565 Media? Don’t hesitate to contact us or call (323) 902-7439. Our experts will come up with optimized ad campaigns tailored for your business. 

If you’re looking to effectively and efficiently boost ROI with your marketing budget, 565 Media is your top choice. Simply connect with our on-demand team of full stack developers and start with a list of what problems you need solved. Our team specializes in developing customized, scaled marketing campaigns geared towards generating profitable leads and growing your business.

8 Awesomely Creative Examples Of TikTok Campaigns

Feeling Younger with TikTok Promotions

As a platform, TikTok thrives on digestible, engaging content. If it isn’t fun to watch or fun to join, then we would recommend finding other online marketing options. Whereas advertising on TikTok is a more performative, open type of engagement, old marketing techniques will come across as stale and stuffy. But if your business is willing to risk looking silly, the platform provides an excellent opportunity to target younger audiences on their terms. 

In this article, we’ll highlight some of the best examples of what advertisers are doing on TikTok and how their engagement strategies tie in to the emotional cores of their services or products, making every post, repost and response an added reinforcement of the brand messaging.

“Quote from Matthew Ceran about TikTok Ads, their importance in the evolving online marketing landscape, and their future as an advertising and branding platform.”

  • Matthew Ceran, CEO 565 Media

TikTok Ads Case Studies

1. Guess Jeans

One of the original hashtag challenges on TikTok, Guess Jeans’ #InMyDenim campaign is still held up as a primary case study in TikTok Ads success stories.

#InMyDenim started a trend of users posting videos of themselves transforming from ratty clothing into fashionable denim outfits, (preferably Guess Jeans branded), reinforcing the idea that anyone can upgrade their fashion with denim products. Some posts were accompanied by thematically chosen tracks like Bebe Rexh’s “I’m a Mess”.

Using a combination of brand takeovers, sponsored influencers like prominent TikTok personalities @ourfire and @madisonwillow, the campaign lasted for about a week. 

During the 6-day campaign period, #InMyDenim realized over 5,550 user-generated videos, 10.5 million video views, 14.3% engagement rate and over 12,000 additional followers for Guess’s Business Account on TikTok. The promotion resonated with consumers and considerably boosted brand affinity.

Source: TikTok Ads

2. Kool-Aid

When looking for a broad audience, celebrity endorsements are a good start. But it’s important to make sure that the celebrity is a good fit for the brand and has a conceptual tie-in to the brand message. 

Kool-Aid deserves a special shoutout for its ingenious tie-in with rapper Lil Jon. The brand launched a music video featuring the rapper and the Kool-Aid man, and following up with a hashtag challenge #OhYEAHChristmas. The challenge encouraged users to post videos of themselves (extremely) enjoying their Christmas celebration, with a $10,000 prize thrown in for incentive.

The campaign garnered over 10,000 videos from fans and became the brand’s first successful TikTok campaign.

Image via tiktok.com

3. Red Bull

With an eye on cornering the extreme sports content on TikTok, the Red Bull account provides a daily adrenaline rush for fans. The high-octane content has been reformatted for short, bite-sized clips, and targets specific niche sports communities with popular hashtags like #skydiving, #parkour, and #skimobile. 

The profile has almost 5 million followers and continues to use the platform to expand the Red Bull brand past the energy drink product, and reinforce its extreme sports messaging.

4. Spikeball

Again, if you want your brand to be successful on TikTok, it’s best to lean into the aspects of your brand that make it fun. For a game like Spikeball, it comes naturally. 

The profile uses the cute tagline “If volleyball and foursquare had a baby” and consistently posts slow-mo trick shots and incredible moves from players around the world. It’s a fantastic platform-specific strategy that on the surface, gives users that “wow” aspect that brings them to the platform. And as a secondary benefit, it helps establish Spikeball as a legitimate sport worthy of the attention. 

The profile has almost 300,000 followers, over 5 million likes, and over 50 million views today!

Source: Spikeball TikTok Profile

5. Mucinex

Pharmaceutical advertising is always a tricky sell, especially to teens, and especially with strict FDA rules for advertising over-the-counter products. How do you promote the potential benefits of an OTC drug without running afoul? Take advantage of existing trends.

The #TooSickToBeSick challenge asked users to share their before-and-after looks as they got into Halloween costumes, as either the before or the after clips would tie into how you feel when you are sick. No medical claims. Just the feeling.

The campaign made headlines for generating over 984 million views in 2019. The hashtag is seeing a revitalization in the lead up to Halloween 2020 as well.

#toosicktobesick on TikTok

6. Universal Pictures

In 2020, the year of increasing need for creativity due to our collective indoor insolation, TikTok has become a popular destination for magic tricks, pranks and video illusions. As a video medium that prizes quick content and the expected, magic tricks especially fit the bill.

To capitalize on this trend for its upcoming film The House with a Clock in Its Walls, Universal Pictures launched a branded hashtag challenge called #FindYourMagic. This promotion encouraged users to post their own magic tricks and illusions, And the campaign provided branded music of ringing clocks to tie back into the theme of the upcoming movie.

More than 1.3 million likes and 19,000 pieces of user-generated content later, the campaign was a spectacular success. 

Source: TikTok Ads

7. Chipotle

Less Tok, More Guac. For brands that perhaps don’t have a flashy dance tie-in or extreme sports slow-motion shots, brand affinity and celebration is a good place to start. Chipotle’s Lid Flip Challenge was born. 

Based on a real employee who had gone viral for their creative way of assembling burrito bowls, the Lid Flip Challenge gave users a fun, simple template for adding their own content. Think of the water bottle flip challenge from 2019 and give it a branded spin.

111,000 videos were submitted to the Challenge and it created a record-breaking digital sales day driving app downloads and delivery among the key Gen Z audience.

Source: Chiptole TikTok Profile

8. Benny Blanco

To promote the upcoming release of Benny Blanco’s remixed version of Graduation, Universal Records took advantage of a popular video trend currently popular on TikTok – The hand wipe. 

Users would typically hold their hand up to the camera to obscure a video cut, revealing a change of clothing or setting after pulling their hands away. To capitalize on this trend and integrate the song’s theme, the campaign used the hashtag #schoolyears, where seniors would show their progression over the years of middle and high school.

The campaign clearly resonated with teens, as it generated 6 million views, almost 1 million hearts and over 81,000 user generated pieces of content. The song itself saw 4 months of sustained growth after its debut.

#schoolyears on TikTok

Feeling Inspired?

Do you want to know more about our TikTok ads services at 565 Media? Don’t hesitate to contact us or call (323) 902-7439. Our experts will come up with optimized ad campaigns tailored for your business. 

If you’re looking to effectively and efficiently boost ROI with your marketing budget, 565 Media is your top choice. Simply connect with our on-demand team of full stack developers and start with a list of what problems you need solved. Our team specializes in developing customized, scaled marketing campaigns geared towards generating profitable leads and growing your business.

5 Awesome Facebook Ads Strategies for Scaling Conversions

Advertising on Facebook has the potential to finely target extremely profitable audience segments with messages specific to what stage of the sales funnel they are in. 

But once a campaign is set up and generates high conversion rates and return on ad spend (ROAS), it’s not a sure thing that those success rates will scale when you increase your budget. 

When it comes to scaling Facebook Ads campaigns, taking the next step requires advanced structuring, optimization, and targeting in order to take the next step.

This article will outline some of the most powerful strategies and tips for making sure that when you increase your spending, your conversion rates stay steady, and your campaigns successfully scale with it.

Strategy 1: Account Simplification

There’s an old adage that comes to mind. KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. The same concept goes for Facebook Ads campaigns. If you are running too many campaigns with multiple ad sets each, campaign management can snowball out of control when scaling it up.

When it comes to scaling your campaigns, the hardest work is done up front and involves making sure that your account is simplified and optimized before increasing your daily spending.

With the proper account structure, Facebook’s machine learning algorithm is capable of optimizing your campaigns for you. There’s no need to manually adjust your bidding or placements once the audience targeting and basic campaign settings are in place.

If you’re stuck and don’t know where to start, consider reducing your campaigns to the essentials based on sales funnel positioning:

  • A top-level campaign for generating new leads and reaching users for the first time. This may include lookalike audiences and shared interests that are proven to convert in your high conversion campaigns.
  • A mid-level campaign for reaching returning users. This typically includes broad remarketing audiences and directs users to entry-level conversion landing pages, like encouraging users to sign up for a newsletter or browse category pages for products.
  • A bottom-level campaign for capturing lost conversions. This usually involves dynamically generated ads that remarket a specific product to a user that has abandoned their shopping cart, or promoting a special discount to help finalize a sale.

In addition, some ecommerce websites may opt for a fourth type of campaign to target users that have already converted. This is typically to help transition past customers into repeat customers (a hugely important transition), and could involve special offers or advanced notice of upcoming events.

Splitting your account into campaigns that target specific points in the sales funnel creates a larger sample size for Facebook’s optimization algorithms. And with a larger sample size of performance data, your campaigns will have an easier time maintaining their high conversion rates at a higher daily budget.

Voila! A simplified campaign helps convert more in the long run.

Strategy 2: Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)

A common problem that we’ve seen in the past are Facebook Ads accounts that are set to a manual daily budget for each ad set within each campaign. 

Perhaps your current campaigns are set up with $50/day for remarketing audiences, $10/day for Lookalike Audience A, and $15/day for Lookalike Audience B. While this is useful for many small businesses that may be working on a limited budget, when it comes to larger campaigns, those settings do not scale in predictable ways.

Facebook now allows for Campaign Budget Optimization, or CBO budgeting, which dynamically adjusts the daily spending towards ad sets that tend to convert more. 

Now, you only need to set a single daily budget for the entire campaign, and Facebook’s machine learning algorithm will adjust the spending for each ad set to optimize for CPAs.

At the end of each month, you’ll not only be able to clearly see which ad sets outperformed the others, but you’ll have been running them optimized the whole time!

Strategy 3: Automatic Placements

One of the most common questions we get from businesses advertising on Facebook involves the option for manual or automatic placements. 

Manual placements allow advertisers to limit where their ads appear, and can be a particularly attractive choice for marketers that “know” that Facebook’s right-column ads or Instagram’s Stories don’t convert at the same rate as other placements. And to the untrained eye, automatic placements may seem like a big potential waste of money.

However, this is one situation where we’ll need to trust in Facebook’s learning algorithms.

The automatic placements setting allows advertisers to target audiences across multiple platforms and optimize conversion values depending on how the user interacts with the ad, not necessarily by which platform they are using.

It’s a good way to identify user activity that you may not have realized before. Maybe users tend to concentrate browsing on the Facebook Marketplace or Instagram Stories. Using automatic placements, you’ll be able to reach these users with your campaign, and then use the performance data that you collect to identify new opportunities for you campaigns in the future.

In addition, Facebook features an option called placement asset customization. This allows advertisers to customize how each ad looks visually in each type of placement. That way, if the image that your ad creative relies on doesn’t translate well on portrait or landscape views, you can manually crop it to appear differently in the Facebook Newsfeed, the right-hand column, Stories, etc.

Strategy 4: Auto Advanced Matching

For slightly Orwellian user behavior tracking, look no further than Facebook’s Automatic Advanced Matching technology.

Auto Advanced Matching uses the Facebook Pixel already installed on your website to detect cached customer data from certain text fields, such as names and email addresses, and automatically associates it with corresponding events such as registration form signups, whitepaper downloads, and more.

This allows advertisers to more accurately identify similar users, and helps the pixel learn exactly who and how people convert on your website.

What this means for your campaigns are two-fold:

  1. Helps expand your audience list size

With more user data, your campaigns can better target a larger audience size, leading to more sales leads without a huge drop off in CPA.

  1. Helps increase the number of attributed conversions from your campaign

For advertisers, there’s no better reason. Auto Advanced Matching allows you to better track conversions and attribute them back to specific paid campaigns.

Strategy 5: Scaling with Dynamic Ads

One feature that Facebook Ads has included but is often overlooked is Dynamic Ads. This allows advertisers to include personalized information in the ad, test out multiple images and headline combinations at once, or promote specific products based on user behavior.

For ecommerce websites in particular, this is hugely important. If you’re running a successful remarketing campaign for specific products and your business adds 50 new products overnight, it can be a huge undertaking to create new individual ads for each one.

With Facebook’s Dynamic Ads feature, you’ll only need to set up once, and the campaign will scale up no matter how many products are added to your product line.

Businesses can also use these functions to promote similar or complementary products as a separate ad set or campaign. This is also called Dynamic Product Ad (DPA) retargeting.


So there you have it. With these advanced strategies, you too can scale conversions for your Facebook Ads campaigns. For more information, consult our blog. Or if you would like help on your own Facebook or Instagram campaigns, contact our social media advertising experts for a free consultation today.